Utterly Successful Campaigns

A successful campaign is created to achieve a goal or deliver a critical message. You can expect to achieve the best results when it spans across a variety of platforms.

What do I need to create a campaign?

  • A clear concept with a call to action: The audience should immediately understand the purpose of the campaign. A call-to-action tells your audience how to move forward—it can be anything from “download this guide now” to “make your reservation today.” as long as it is understandable and easy to accomplish.
  • A coherent visual look: a campaign’s elements should look similar enough to be readily identifiable.
  • A way to get the word out: Use the most effective vehicles to spread the word about the campaign to your intended audience. Postcards, fact sheets, email marketing, web posts and social media are great starting points.

How can I get people interested in my campaign?

Be certain that it speaks to your audience’s interests. If you’re not sure where to start, think about what would be most valuable to your audience and build a campaign around that.

GO! Creative is equipped, experienced and adept at developing winning campaigns.

NACUBO: Value of Higher Education

Goal: Develop a series of easily downloadable tools, to be utilized by colleges and universities, designed to inform public opinion with data that promotes the benefits of and counters the negative discourse on the value of higher education.

This campaign involved the development of the products as well as the communications to colleges and universities to promote access to the tools.

Our Role: GO! Creative developed the coherent visual look for Value of Higher Education tools as well as the campaign promotional graphics for web and social media.

The deliverables included a customizable PowerPoint, a backgrounder sheet to help shape the story, a series of higher education success stories and a series of infographics to illustrate the benefits offered by higher education.

Access to Value of Higher Education is offered on the NACUBO website (nacubo.org) and social media venues.

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